In recent years, the surge in popularity of e-cigarettes and nicotine pouches has ignited a significant public health debate in Kenya. These products, often marketed in appealing flavors such as strawberry, vanilla, and orange, have found a strong foothold among the youth. However, the growing trend has raised alarm bells due to their potential health risks and their role as a gateway to more severe substance abuse.

The Appeal and Misconception

A recent survey by the Tobacco Control Board, an independent entity under the Ministry of Health, revealed that a staggering 67.8% of e-cigarette users are drawn to these products primarily because of their flavors. This statistic underscores the success of the marketing strategies employed by the tobacco industry to attract young consumers. Furthermore, nearly half of these users (49.6%) are under the false impression that e-cigarettes are less harmful than traditional tobacco products.

The allure of these products is not just in their flavors but also in the misconception that they are a safer alternative to smoking. This false sense of security can lead to increased usage and eventual addiction, posing a significant threat to public health.

Health Risks and Societal Impact

Despite their popularity, e-cigarettes and nicotine pouches offer no health benefits. Instead, they have been linked to various severe health issues, including different cancers, addiction, and even miscarriage. The World Health Organization (WHO) has noted that the rate of e-cigarette use among adolescents now surpasses that of adults in many countries, highlighting the urgency of addressing this issue.

Joel Gitali, chairman of the Kenya Tobacco Control And Health Promotion Alliance (Ketca), emphasized the long-term impact on youth, stating, “Once they get addicted, these youths represent a lifetime of profits to the industry, which is aggressively recruiting more.” This statement underscores the predatory nature of the tobacco industry, which targets young people to ensure a steady stream of future customers.

Civil Society’s Call to Action

In response to this growing crisis, civil society groups have called on the government to take immediate action. They are demanding a ban on nicotine pouches, e-cigarettes, vapes, and shisha until a robust legal framework is in place to regulate these products. This call to action is rooted in the need to protect Kenyan children and youth from the aggressive marketing tactics of the tobacco industry.

The National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse’s Tobacco and Drugs Survey of Adolescents in Schools 2022 highlighted that 3.2% of youths aged 15-24 currently use tobacco products, with an even higher percentage (3.4%) having tried e-cigarettes. These figures illustrate the growing penetration of these products among young people and the urgent need for regulatory intervention.

Government’s Role and Future Steps

The Kenyan government is at a crossroads, seeking effective ways to control the proliferation of these potentially harmful products. The establishment of a comprehensive legal framework to regulate e-cigarettes and nicotine pouches is crucial. This framework should include stringent advertising restrictions, age verification mechanisms, and public education campaigns to dispel myths about the safety of these products.

Moreover, the government must collaborate with civil society organizations, healthcare professionals, and international bodies like the WHO to develop and implement policies that protect public health. This collaborative approach is essential to combat the influence of the tobacco industry and safeguard the health and well-being of Kenya’s youth.


The rise of e-cigarettes and nicotine pouches in Kenya represents a significant public health challenge. With a large portion of the youth enticed by the appealing flavors and misled by the perceived safety of these products, there is an urgent need for regulatory measures. The government’s proactive stance, coupled with the efforts of civil society, can help mitigate the risks associated with these products and protect future generations from the pitfalls of addiction and its associated health consequences.

As Kenya navigates this complex issue, the focus must remain on creating a safer, healthier environment for its youth. Only through stringent regulation, public education, and robust enforcement can the tide of e-cigarette and nicotine pouch use be turned, ensuring a healthier future for all Kenyans.

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