The announcement by Immigration Principal Secretary Julius Bitok about the government’s ambitious plan to significantly increase daily collections on the eCitizen platform is a noteworthy development. By aiming to boost the revenue from Ksh700 million to Ksh2 billion per day, the government is setting a high bar for the platform’s performance and its role in service delivery.

Enhancing eCitizen’s Potential

The eCitizen platform is an integral part of the Kenyan government’s digital transformation strategy, providing a centralized portal for accessing various government services. Bitok’s revelation that 300,000 people visit the platform daily underscores its critical role in public service. The plan to triple the daily revenue collection reflects the government’s intent to capitalize on this high engagement.

Addressing Service Backlogs and Enhancing Efficiency

One of the significant highlights from Bitok’s announcement is the resolution of the passport issuance backlog. The acquisition of two new machines to expedite passport printing is a proactive step towards improving service delivery. Clearing the backlog and ensuring new applications are processed within 14 days demonstrates a commitment to efficiency and responsiveness to public needs.

New Immigration Offices in Bungoma

The commissioning of new immigration offices in Bungoma marks a significant step towards decentralizing immigration services. This move is set to benefit residents of Bungoma, Busia, Kakamega, and Trans Nzoia counties by providing easier access to services such as passport issuance and dual citizenship processing. Previously, residents had to travel to Nairobi for these services, incurring additional costs and time. The new offices aim to serve 500 clients daily and 10,000 monthly, a testament to the government’s focus on enhancing regional service delivery.

Presidential Support for Devolution

President William Ruto’s endorsement of the plan to devolve immigration services further emphasizes the government’s strategy to make essential services more accessible and reduce unnecessary expenses for citizens. By localizing services such as the issuance of passports and work permits, the government is ensuring that more Kenyans can access these critical documents without the financial and logistical burden of traveling long distances.

Strategic Implications

The strategic implications of these developments are far-reaching. Firstly, increasing daily collections on the eCitizen platform can significantly boost government revenue, contributing to national development projects. Secondly, resolving service backlogs and improving efficiency can enhance public trust in government institutions. Lastly, the decentralization of immigration services aligns with broader devolution goals, promoting regional equity in service access.


The announcements by PS Julius Bitok and President William Ruto signal a robust commitment to leveraging technology and decentralization to improve public service delivery. By enhancing the eCitizen platform’s potential, resolving service backlogs, and establishing new regional offices, the government is taking significant steps towards a more efficient and accessible public service framework. These efforts are expected to not only increase revenue but also foster greater public satisfaction and trust in government services.


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