Michelle Ntalami, a renowned businesswoman, recently shared her transformative journey from a life she described as sinful and influenced by worldly standards to one of purpose and divine alignment. In her heartfelt message, Ntalami reflected on the tumultuous path she once walked, which was filled with pain, darkness, and confusion. She acknowledged how she was misled by various narratives that seemed appealing by societal norms but ultimately led to a dead-end.

In her own words, Ntalami revealed, “And they all tried to sell me a different story for my life. One that looked good by world standards, but looking back, was filled with pain, darkness, and confusion – A literal dead-end. Oh, the lies I believed! A story for another day. But God came in and rewrote my entire story! He gave me a whole new purpose; a Queen in His Kingdom for such a time as this!”

Ntalami emphasized the profound realization she experienced about her existence, urging her followers to recognize that life is not merely about working, toiling, suffering, paying bills, making money, or experiencing transient happiness and sadness. She encouraged them to seek and understand the deeper purpose of their lives, one that transcends the mundane and taps into a divine plan.

“Then, I didn’t see it. But now I do! The world needs me in this moment in history. God has a beautiful purpose for my life, and it’s nothing like it ever was before. Do not underestimate your purpose on this earth. You are not here just to work, toil, suffer, struggle, pay bills, make money or none be happy, or sad, then die. This is the lie we are sold, the ‘matrix.’ Switch off the negative, fearful news and turn on the Good News! Jesus loves you and has a beautiful purpose for your life in this very moment in time! Step up and step forward for Him! We are the CHOSEN!”

Drawing inspiration from biblical texts, Ntalami quoted Esther 4:14, “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” This verse highlights the importance of recognizing and embracing one’s unique role and timing in the grander scheme of things.

She also referenced Jeremiah 29:11, a verse that reassures believers of God’s benevolent plans: “For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.”

Ntalami’s transformation story serves as a powerful testament to the possibility of change and the discovery of a higher purpose. Her message resonates with many who may feel trapped in the cycle of everyday struggles, offering hope and a reminder that there is a greater purpose to life, one that is divinely ordained.

As she continues to inspire others with her journey, Ntalami’s newfound perspective and faith-driven purpose highlight the impact of spiritual awakening and the importance of seeking and fulfilling one’s divine destiny. Her story is a call to action for everyone to step up and embrace their unique roles in the world, guided by faith and purpose.

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