“Are you really? Susan, why did you invite me to your house last night?” she began, her voice trembling with emotion. “And don’t tell me it was because of some trivial tasks needing attention. Those could have waited until your husband was available. What’s the real reason? Did you sense how I felt? I can’t deny I didn’t try to conceal it. Or perhaps you heard about me from Faith? What prompted it?”

“I sensed your feelings, Evans,” she confessed, tears welling in her eyes. “I noticed the way you looked at me—it was as if I was the only woman in the world worth seeing. Even during lunch with you and Faith, your gaze lingered on me with such intensity. No one has ever looked at me with such passion and tenderness all at once. Lately, I’ve been feeling insecure. Tom seems distant, and I knew if I had you over, you’d look at me that way. I just needed a confidence boost, but I never intended to— to—” Her voice trailed off, tears streaming down her cheeks, her gaze falling to the ground.

“To what, Susan?” I asked gently, encouraging her to continue. “Say it.”

“To find love, Evans. I love you,” she sobbed, her admission raw and vulnerable. “And I wanted to avoid you, hoping I could forget how you made me feel. Your touch, your kisses—they ignited something in me. But why? Why forget that, Susan?” I questioned, bewildered by her confession.

“Because I know we can never be together. I can’t abandon my children, not even for you,” she explained, her tears beginning to ebb.

“I understand, Susan. I would never ask that of you,” I assured her, pulling her close as she leaned against me.

“What are we going to do, Evans?” she asked, still teary-eyed. “I can’t bear the thought of being without you.” Our lips met in a desperate kiss, fueled by longing and uncertainty. It was a passionate embrace, tinged with the knowledge that it might be our last.

She began to undress me, her hands trembling with desire. As our clothes fell to the floor, we stood naked before each other, consumed by lust and love. We embraced on the couch, the weight of our emotions hanging heavy in the air.

In that moment of intimacy, as we surrendered to our desires, we heard the echo of the preacher’s words. “Let sin not tempt you,” he cautioned, his voice a stark reminder of societal expectations.

But how could what we felt be deemed immoral? It was love—undeniable, intoxicating love.

To be continued next Monday…

You have a confession? Send us at Confessions.kwetu@gmail.com

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